Access Jobs & Outdoor Maintenance

Roof Water Blasting & Roof painting
You may be on tank water, and it is time to give the roof a serious clean?
Or anything else that is looking a bit grubby water blasted back into its original clean and sparkly condition. Cost effective and efficient job done with ropes.
This is also an important first step for many painting, staining, and roof coatings. Having a clean surface is imperative to a long lasting finish on your house paint, staining, or any other outdoor maintenance project involving artificial surfaces and coverings.

Gutter Cleaning
Don't let a small problem end in costly damage! Blocked gutters can lead to damp, rotten houses and undermine foundations.
Don't let your gutters harm your house or your family's heath! In my experience, gutters should be cleaned at least yearly to avoid this happening, even with gutter protection. While gutter protection reduces build up, it does not eliminate it and still requires maintenance.
During the cleaning, I will make sure the downpipes are functionning, and unblock them when needed.
If any issues are seen on the gutter or roof, I will report it to you.
Then when the storms hit, you can stay warm and dry.

Technical Inspection & Maintenance
Need to access your roof but don't like heights? Don't worry - difficult access areas, including roofs are my speciality.
Any other jobs with difficult access will be considered - give me a call to discuss your needs today.